Crypto whales buy bitcoin from the drop now

Crypto whales buy bitcoin from the drop now
Crypto whales buy bitcoin from the drop now

Crypto whales take advantage of the wave of declines to buy Bitcoin and invest in this new meme currency, as investments continue to exit Bitcoin spot ETFs within the United States, crypto-whales (large investors) began buying more BTC currencies taking advantage of the current depreciation opportunity, and investors also took the initiative to buy quantities of the new and promising meme currency Pepe Unchained (PEPU). Block, which contributed to the decline in the value of BTC to levels of $ 55,000 early on Wednesday. Since then, the price of Bitcoin has recovered slightly to settle above the $58,000 level, and this recovery may be due to the whales’ initiative to buy, taking advantage of the low price opportunity to buy more bitcoins.On the other hand, the Lookonchain account, which specializes in analyzing cryptocurrency data on the X platform, revealed that a wallet owner bought 545 BTC coins on Wednesday amid the decline in prices, bringing the tally of this whale to 862 BTC coins during the past three days.

A whale bought 545 $BTC($30.82M) again after the $BTC price dropped!

This whale has bought 862 $BTC($49M) from the bottom at an average price of $56,993 in the past 3 days.

Address:bc1qg32kay34ma85prkvxwtx3gxlm9w5yaeffz8djs— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) September 4, 2024

Bitcoin was not limited to the aforementioned wallet, but also included another wallet whose owner on the X platform is known as “Mr 100” due to his purchase of BTC coins in batches of 100 currencies each, bringing the balance of his wallet – which some believe belongs to one of the trading platforms – is currently 72,726 BTC.

Mr. 100 just keeps on buying $BTC.

He bought 300 more $BTC yesterday and now has 72,627 Bitcoin.

Do you think Mr. 100 could be an exchange?— Lark Davis (@TheCryptoLark) September 2, 2024

Read also:Large withdrawals from the cryptocurrency market put pressure on prices

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