People’s Bank of China sets dollar exchange rate at 7.1358 yuan

People's Bank of China sets dollar exchange rate at 7.1358 yuan
People's Bank of China sets dollar exchange rate at 7.1358 yuan

The People’s Bank of China decided on Friday morning to set the exchange rate of the yuan against the US dollar at the level of 7.1358 yuan per dollar, and expectations were to record 7.1480 yuan, and the closing price of the pair yesterday’s session reached 7.1480 yuan, and the bank pumped 379 billion yuan within the repurchase operations in the markets for 7 days, with a return of 1.7%.

It should be noted that the Bank of China influences the price of the US dollar by pegging the value of its currency – the yuan – to the dollar USD, as the bank uses a fixed exchange rate policy, which differs from the free exchange rate used by the United States and many other countries, while leaving a margin of movement for China’s currency to move in a narrow range.

The Bank of China manages the yuan’s value by keeping it fixed against a basket of currencies of countries that are partners of China. The basket is measured at the dollar dollar rate USD given that the United States is China’s largest trading partner.

Read also:Urgent: US dollar falls strongly after shocking Fed remarks

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